まえがき  土門拳  Foreword by Mr. Ken Domon (A famous Japanese photographer)

Ken Domon

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 Foreword by Mr. Ken Domon, a famous photographer in Japan
It has been some decades since I knew an amateur photographer, called Matsujiro Kawamata. During that time, I was a judge of monthly photografic magagine "CAMERA". He applied from Hokkaido every month. I was impressed not because his pictures are fine, but he is enthsiastic. His home run then was "Embankment" chosen the highest prise of March 1955 issue. It was a photograph showing the sad seriousness of a goat, tied on a river bank, was eating grass, within the circle of the rope. It was a impressibe photograph hit the heart of observers. White image of the goat appeared in the half tone grass on a bank still remain in my memory.

After a few years, the magagine "CAMERA" was stopped publication. I became the judge of a monthly magagine "PHOTO ART" . A lot of amateurs moved to this new magagine from "CAMERA" of "Arusu company". Yosuke Higashi in Ise, Kaoru Usui in Nagoya, Ichiro Takana in Takayama, Chikara Tazaki in Takachiho, Tokutaro Motoya in Tottori and Matsujiro Kawamata in Asahikawa. They were regular monthly members of "CAMERA" and "PHOTO ART." They organized so called "Domon Group." Every month, the upper prised were monopolised by this group, thus the possibility of new comers get the prise was quite little. I intended to judge those regulars recognised easilyas Domon Group more severely than others. I mean, I tried to drop them. But the final result did not change that the regular Domon Group members occupied most of the high prises. That is to say, the faces of winners were fixed.

I decided not to touch the judge of monthly photographs after then. I resigned the judge of monthy PHOTO ART magagine. Then I gave the status of "Invitation Photographers" to six regular Domon Group members to avoid them to apply monthly magagines. It means a "Rank Up." It was the end of 1959.

Since then, those photographers as Mr. Kawamata had to develop their own way. It seemed to be helpless difficult journey. I pretended not to notice. After 1 year, the issue of infantile paralysis occured this time. There was a big epidemic of infantile paralysis in Hokkaido. It widely spread and became social problem in whole Japan. Mr. Kawamata dealt with the epidemic of infantile paralysis in Asahikawa. It was understood easily from his letter. He looked very angry, but I did not answer much. If he wish, he should take photos. He spread his area of activity to other places from Asahikawa. He got more serious. He told me he would publish his collection of photos in a photographic book. I should say his disease is heavy. I got trouble. Honestly, I thought he should give it up.

 「ヒロシマ」 「筑豊のこどもたち」そして「るみえちゃんはお父さんが死んだ」河又君がこの三冊の写真集に影響されて,小児マヒのグラフキャンペーンを思いたったことは疑いない。そのつど,つどの社会的状況の中でやむにやまれぬ気持ちで三冊のグラフキャンペーンをだしたものの,プロフェッショナル写真家であるぼくすら,撮影費をカバーできないそういう仕事は,今後はかりそめに手をだすべきでないと反省している。仕事をすればするほどジリ貧になるのだ。いわんやアマチュア写真家である河又君など,産を破り,家を滅ぼすということになりかねない。しかも河又君は公務員である。下手をすれば肝心の公務に支障をきたして,クビにだってなりかねない。
"Hiroshima", "Children of Chikuhoo Coal Mine ", "Father of Rumi-chan Died" . There is not doubt that Mr. Kawamata was influenced by those 3 picture books of mine. I regret that I must not deal with this kind of jobs, though I myself published the 3 photographic books from the unavoidable feeling in those social conditions. I could not secure the cost of photos. Whenever I work hard, I become poor. Furthurmore, Mr. Kawamata is only an amateur cameraman. He might be bankrupted. And he is a public servant. For the worst case, he might fail in his job and might be fired.

 この場合,つぎのようにいうこともできるであろう。 −−− アマチュアであるにかかわらず,重要な社会的問題と取り組んだ態度は見上げたものである。ことに自分が住む地域の問題を取りあげることは適切である。それを自費出版のかたちで世に訴えるということも謙虚にして清潔な方法である。どこからみても河父君の今度の仕事はアマチュア写真家として,ギリギリの限界において,自分の可能性を生かしたものである。この十年来アマチュア写真家はいかにあるべきか,と問われつづけてきたことに対する決定的な解答である。 −−− と,ほめたたえるべきであるだろう。

But, I also can say as this....... The attitude to face the social issue is respectable, though he is an amateur. Especially he dealt with the issure in his city. It is appropriate. Appealing with the way of self-paying publishment is a humble and pure method. The job of Mr. Kawamata is challenging to his ability as an amateur cameraman from all aspects. It is a final answer to the question how an amateur cameraman should be. I should praise him so.

But I cannot feel like praising Mr. Kawamata and cannot tell other amateur cameramen to follow him. I cannot feel like suggesting to other amateurs to challenge the job, which I myself decides not to touch, because they are rewardless and they have their public or private jobs and family businesses. I hate the critics and editors who praise amateurs without responsibility.

Anyway, Mr. Kawamata has been close to me during last past 10 years. He must know my opinions as this. But he got angry. It is coward who does not try right. He cannot help working because of the helpless anger and made him publish this photographic book. Hard work as taking oictures with much effort, developing and enlarging the film at the night of chilly condition. It is the crystal of one crazy photographer and his wife.
Now I must not tell anything. All has become past perfect tense. There is one poor paper photographic book.

At any rate, please watch it with kindness. The issue that Mr. Kawamata showed enthsiastically is going to reach the future happiness for all the Japanese children. Mr. Kawamata does not have children after the marriage life more than 10 years. The hearty appeal from a childless couple is here.

Ken Domon, a photographer.
January 15, 1961