まえがき 河又松次郎
Preface by Mr. Kawamata
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Preface from Mr. Matsujiro Kawamata, the photographer of this picture book
The terrible infantile paralysis has been hitting Hokkaido since Spring last year. It began from the so called origin, Yubari-city, reached Akabira-city, Utashinai-city. They are coal towns. It went to west north and south east. It also spread to whole Hokkaido island like an unvisible flood. The patients number as of December 20, 1960 was 1,641 including 106 deaths. All the Hokkaido people, not only the parents who have children, got to hell of terror.
The number of patients of infantile paralysis in Asahikawa-city has been 6 to 7 every year. The first case last year was March 24. Three followed. It rose suddenly in July and at the end of the month 17. At the end of August, 59, September 93, October 101. Including the outsiders of Asahikawa-city, who were diagnosed as infantile paralysis, 147 including 8 deaths.
Everybody estimated that it would be cool down at the end of August, but it was betrayed. Patients continued. The age ranged from 4 month to 26 years old widely. There was a case that a girl and her sister from one family. Since July, almost everyday new patients occured. In one day of August, there were the cases of 4 patients. It was an abnormal epidemic that the map in the hygiene division of Asahikawa city office was mostly marked with red circle.
It is said that there are 100-200 hidden patients around one patient found. Do they bring the disease to schools, homes and offices and infect the children without immunity? According to the survey by city office, there seems to be the tendency that there are more patients among people who work for sales, having many business trips and going around. There is no evidence how it spread.
On the other hand, the patients were isolated to City Hospital and Red Cross Hospital. All the isolation rooms were full. Some corridors were used for temporary patient room. It was a strange crowd. Infantile paralysis threatened the mothers, because the victims were pure infants.
The medical doctors who can diagnose the patients exactly as "Infantile Paralysis" is a treasure of the world. It is quite difficult. Most cases, the patients are diagnosed as "Cold" at first. This is one cause of many patience occuring.
Most infants died seemed to have breathing paralysis. If the patients show the terrible breathing paralysis, they cannnot survive without help of the "Iron Lung." At the beginning of July when the epidemic was severest in Hokkaido, there was only one Iron Lung. It was only the end of August when the only one Iron Lung in northern Hokkaido came to Asahikawa Red Cross Hospital
The explosion of infantile paralysis was called "Apostle of Devil" . This year it is estimated to happen again more than last year. The preparation of vaccine is said to be delayed for this year epidemic. The situation of handicapped children including the increase of hangover patients. Their rehabilitation centers. There are a lot of problems for the future.