Sleep Apnea and Its Effects on Post-Polio and Breathing
    Pulmonology and Post-Polio Syndrome

   ファレスティニー医師FCCP  with Hany Falestiny, M.D., F.C.C.P.
North Central Florida Post-Polio Support Group Archive
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It was our pleasure to welcome Hany Falestiny, MD, FCCP, as our speaker for our November 18, 2000, seminar.

We are also very pleased to have Dr. Falestiny as a member of our new Evaluation Team.

彼の発表のテーマは 睡眠中無呼吸症と呼吸の関係が、ポストポリオに及ぼす影響です。
The subject of his presentation was Sleep Apnea and Effects of Post-Polio Syndrome on Breathing.

Normally when we fall asleep, we go through several cycles of stages of sleep throughout the night.

If the continuity of these cycles is disrupted by sleep apnea, a person may actually have hundreds of brief awakenings during a single night of sleep, therefore causing excessive daytime sleepiness.

Excessive daytime sleepiness can cause a number of problems: Personality changes, cognitive difficulties, depression and a number of other significant concerns.

Sleep apnea is usually caused by an obstruction in the airway, which may be caused be an excessive amount of tissues surrounding the airway, enlarged tonsils and adenoids, or a large or elongated uvula.

For sleep apnea, the airway is obstructed and there is no airflow.

Sleep apnea causes arousals/awakenings and oxygen de-saturations.

It is within normal ranges for a person to have five or less apnea events per hour.

 これとは別に、iahypopneasl と呼ばれるタイプのものがあります。
There is also another type of event called iahypopneasl..

When a person has a hypopnea, they have a reduction in airflow that still causes an arousal/awakening or an oxygen de-saturation.

Four or five percent of people will have significant sleep apnea.

 それは危険でしょうか? どうすれば分かるでしょうか? どう治療すれば良いでしょうか?
Is it dangerous? How is it recognized? How is it treated?

Dr. Falestiny covered theses subjects in this presentation.


Is Sleep Apnea Dangerous?

Sleep apnea can be dangerous, particularly with moderate to severe sleep apnea.

There is an increased risk for high blood pressure, heart disease and heart attack, stroke, and in very severe degree cases of sleep apnea, sudden cardiac arrest is a possibility.

People with sleep apnea are also at a higher risk for automobile accidents and work related accidents, especially among heavy equipment operators.

There is a higher prevalence of sleep apnea in patients that are obese, males, if there is nasal obstruction, if there is a family history of sleep apnea (although it is not genetic), and if the patient has a small upper airway.

Smoking can also be a risk factor.

How is Sleep Apnea Recognized?

Most people with sleep apnea are completely unaware of their problem.

Their bed partner or children may be the ones to complain of the patient snoring loudly (snoring itself does not mean a person has sleep apnea), being very restless, choking and gasping for air during sleep.

If the patient has symptoms of sleep apnea, the patient should be evaluated by a physician specializing in sleep disorders.

At the time of their evaluation, the physician will obtain a thorough sleep history.

The sleep physician prefers that a spouse be with the patient, since the patient is usually unaware of the problems.

The physician will also perform a physical and observe the airway for possible obstruction (elongated uvula, narrow airway entrance, enlarged tonsils, etc.).

Once it has been determined that the patient is likely to have sleep apnea, the patient is scheduled for an overnight sleep study.

During this study many different parameters are evaluated, such as EEG/EOG to determine stages of sleep obtained, EMG to measure muscle movement, respiratory belts to determine breathing efforts, nasal/oral flow to determine breathing both through the nose and the mouth, and a finger probe to monitor the oxygen levels.


How is Sleep Apnea Treated?

Once it is determined that a person has sleep apnea, the physician and patient will discuss the treatment options to determine which type of treatment is best for the patient.

The objectives for treating the patient are to

(1) reduce mortality and morbidity,

(2) reduce cardiovascular consequences, including strokes and heart attacks, and

(3) improve the quality of life.

For some patients, behavioral intervention is necessary.

The patient may need to be encouraged to lose weight, stop smoking, avoid alcohol and sedatives, and sometimes it is advised not to sleep on the back.

 睡眠中無呼吸症の患者のほとんどは、CPAP (持続性気道陽圧)器具を使って寝かされます。
For most patients with sleep apnea, they are placed on CPAP (continuous positive airway pressure) equipment.

With CPAP, room air is delivered by a machine, through a hose and mask, and into the airway as positive pressure.
The pressure actually acts as a splint to maintain the airway open so that the patient may breathe normally.

There are some surgical alternatives, such as tonsillectomy, laser surgery, and tracheotomy.

Surgical options are not always successful.



 ファレスティニー博士は、その後、神経と筋肉関係の病気に話題を移しました。呼吸は、意識的ですか? 呼吸しても、それを意識することはないでしょう。
Dr. Falestiny then turned our attention to neuro (meaning nerves) muscular (meaning muscles) diseases. Breathing is involuntary? you breathe, but you don?t think about breathing.


Polio can affect breathing because of the nerves being affected, which in turn affect the muscles.

Polio can affect the diaphragm and intercostal muscles, which support your breathing efforts.

In order to breathe well, you must have diaphragm and intercostal effort.

When you lose muscle tone to these important muscles, it makes it more difficult to breathe.

The lungs are like a balloon; in order for the lungs to work, the diaphragm goes down and moves the ribs up; once it does that, it creates a negative pressure in your chest and the air goes in.

If you have problems during the day, you will most likely have even more problems at night because that is when your muscles relax the most.

If your lungs are not working properly, you are not able to have a good air exchange; therefore you may retain CO2 in your bloodstream.

Low oxygen and high carbon dioxide levels can create a higher risk for heart attack.

Pulmonary function tests can also be performed to determine lung capacity.

For people with chronic problems with breathing, such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease or neuromuscular disease, we can offer a bi-pap or a small ventilator.

This equipment, unlike the CPAP equipment, uses two different pressure levels.

The inspiration pressure is a higher pressure and the exhalation pressure is a lower pressure.

This helpsthe patient blow off retained CO2, which can be a problem for these patients.

As for the flu and pneumonia shots, they are indicated for people that are 65 or older.

If you have problems with muscle weakness, such as Post Polio, you should have them as a preventative.

英語版   English Version
著作権者 フロリダ中北ポリオの会
Copyright 2000 North Central Florida Post-Polio Support Group), All rights reserved.
日本語コピー版 作成 20017月7日、最終更新日 20017月7日
Japanese Copy Version : Since
July 7, 2001, Last Update July 7, 2001

Announcement from the Web-Master of the Japanese Version and the Translator into Japanese

 This is a copy which was kindly provided with the permission from the
the North Central Florida Post-Polio Support Group .
 The web-master of this Japanese version is neither a medical professional nor a professional translator. It is for these reasons to avoid any misunderstandings, both English and Japanese are presented together.
 If you would like to show tihs information to your medical doctor, please use the English original, and the Japanese translation should be used only as a guide.
http://homepage2.nifty.com/polio/salon/salon.htm にもおいでください。
 Also, please visit my PPS resource for polio survivors "the Polio Salon Japan" at
 よろしくお願いします。 Thank you very much.

 北海道 中兼正次 Shoji Nakagane, Hokkaido, Japan