ポストポリオ症候群 (日本語訳 Japanese Translation)http://www.postpoliosupport.com/archive-7195.htm
Post-Polio Syndrome (英語原文 English Original)
Lauro Halstead, MD
Decades after recovering much of their muscular strength, survivors of paralytic polio are reporting unexpected fatigue, pain and weakness. The cause appears to be degeneration of motor neurons....
ポストポリオ症候群(PPS) : 医者のための情報http://www.postpoliosupport.com/Archive-7060.htm
Post-Polio Syndrome (PPS): Post-Polio Syndrome (PPS): Information for Physicia
Mavis Matheson, MD
About 64% of people who had paralytic polio have symptoms of PPS....
( 注: このページのリストと同じものです)http://www.postpoliosupport.com/PPN-archive.htm - General Information for Polio Survivors
General Information for Polio Survivors
Jacquelin Perry, MD
his article is used in our New Members Kits and is a good one to share with your physicians and therapists...
医者との建設的な意見交換 (日本語訳 Japanese Translation)http://www.postpoliosupport.com/archive-9011.htm
Communicating Creatively With Your Doctor
Justine Vaughen, MD
....you are frustrated because your doctor should have found the problem and fixed it. In fact, you know that he doesn't believe you and you are beginning to think it is all in your head... Sound familiar...?
(日本語訳 Japanese Translation)http://www.postpoliosupport.com/archive-9066.htm
Why Go To A Polio Clinic?
Paul Peach, MD
It has been our experience that polio survivors who, twenty to forty years after recovery and who are experiencing new symptoms of fatigue and pain, are best served in a polio clinic which offers multidisciplinary services permitting comprehensive evaluation of these patients, their symptoms and functional status.
(日本語訳 Japanese Translation)http://www.postpoliosupport.com/Archive-7169.htm
Rest, Pacing and Timing
Grace Young, MA, OTR
Overuse of muscles is not always apparent while it is occurring. Muscle pain is a warning signal that the muscles have been overused....
体の負担を減らす生活の工夫 (日本語訳 Japanese Translation)http://www.postpoliosupport.com/archive-9090.htm
Grace Young, MA, OTR
Some very helpful hints on good day-to-day ways to conserve that important energy...
(日本語訳 Japanese Translation)http://www.postpoliosupport.com/Archive-7071.htm
Hints on Conserving Energy
Grace Young, MA, OTR
By conserving energy in less important areas, I can still do the activities that I enjoy -- that's what energy conservation is all about. Here are a few ideas....
ポストポリオと集中力の低下 (日本語訳 Japanese Translation)http://www.postpoliosupport.com/Archive-7057.htm
Post-Polio Fatigue: Post-Polio Fatigue: How It Can Change Your Mi
Mavis Matheson, MD
One of the most frustrating late effects of polio for me was the awareness that I could not concentrate and a feeling that I wasn't thinking clearly anymore....
When A Post-Polio Patient Has Anesthesia
Selma Harrison Calmes, MD
This article was prepared especially for the North Central Florida Post-Polio Support Group by Dr. Calmes, who is also Chief of Anesthesiology at Olive View - UCLA Medical Center, Sylmar, California.
Pain and Post-Polio Syndrome
Paul E. Peach, MD
If pain is being experienced, it is essential that an appropriate medical evaluation be made because the pain could be due to any number of factors ranging from very benign to quite serious....
Coping With It All
Linda Daniel, Ph.D.
All chronic illnesses have a psychological cost. The individual with a chronic illness will never return to a "pre-illness" sense of self. Everyone carries a snapshot of "self" in his or her mind....
Please Use Your Headlights
Millie Malone
Have you ever started to go upstairs to get something, sit down to try to remember what that something was, and then forget if you were going up or coming down? If this sort of thing happens to you, my friend, you may be a victim of Polio Brain Fog.
Proven Ways To Stay Well: Ways To Stay Well: How Your Emotions Affect Your Heal
John Travis, MD & Regina Sara Ryan
The flood of news about health and fitness these days can be more confusing than helpful. If you've been exercising or eating right "right" for years but still feel frustrated and unfulfilled, you are not alone.
Gait and Post-Polio
Marianne Weiss, MS, PT
Among the physical problems leading to falls (a chief cause of death and increased disability) are loss of balance, overall fatigue, repetitive motion leading to individual muscle fatigue, weak muscles, and abnormalities in gait. Assistive devices for walking can reduce the effect that these problems have on the lives of polio survivors...
Total Joint Arthroplasty in the Polio Survivor
Burton W. Marsh, MD
While the first attempts to replace part of a damaged hip joint with a man-made substitute were made in the 1930's, it wasn't until the 1960's that the first successful replacements were accomplished, thanks to advances in metal and plastic materials, the use of improved cements, and the virtual elimination of infection.
Oh, My Aching Muscles!!
shared by Carolyn Raville
A few years ago I purchased a "Microwave" heating pad and a "Bed Buddy" wrap for my aching back and neck muscles. I found it to work just great. Then I found an article with a recipe to make them....
Shopping for HealthCare
Fred R. Shirley, MS, PT, Director, Gulf Coast Aquatic & Rehabilitation Center, Inverness, Florida
Have you ever considered shopping for your health and rehabilitation?
外来での心がけ (日本語訳 Japanese Translation)http://www.postpoliosupport.com/archive-9010.htm
A Better Doctor Visit
Victoria Maizes, MD
Everyone knows that doctors are squeezed for time. So how can you the consumer, get the most out of you doctor during an office visit? Dr. Maizes has ten suggestions for you....
(日本語訳 Japanese Translation)http://www.postpoliosupport.com/archive-7204.htm
Laughter Is Good For Life
Patrick J. Bird
"...the arrival of a good clown into a village does more for its health than 20 asses laden with drugs...."
障害を持つ人との付き合い方 (日本語訳 Japanese Translation)http://www.postpoliosupport.com/archive-9128.htm
Dealing With People Who Have A Handicap
William J. Diehm
"...In 1924, when I was five years old, I contacted a disease known as infantile paralysis. The hospitals in that day would not accept a contagious disease while the fever raged. The only place where I could be kept was in some rabbit hutches that my father had rebuilt.There we fought for my life...."
Breathing: Breathing: Advice for People with Post-Polio or Other Neuromuscular Disorde
Augusta Alba, MD, & Alice Nolan, RN
If you have had polio or suffer from other neuromuscular disorder and have weakness of the neck, upper trunk, or shoulders but are not on a respirator, you may want to evaluate your respiratory needs...
FDR's Finest Legacy
Peter Crone
Once known as the Georgia Warm Springs Foundation, and originally established to rehabilitate people who had contracted polio, the Institute today serves many functions in diverse rehab situations....
How To File A Complaint Under ADA
Whether you are disabled or non-disabled, the ADA should be having a profound effect on how you do business and with whom you do business, where the disabled are turning up, and how they are enjoying life, whether they are able to be employed, and if they can get the services and benefits they need for a quality existence....
(日本語訳 Japanese Translation)http://www.postpoliosupport.com/archive-9204.htm
The Late Effects of Polio: They are real and there is help
Joan Headley
As everybody grows old it is natural that physical limitations increase. With polios, the limitations come much earlier and, in these days, it is necessary to cope to the best of our ability....
Water? Water? A Soue of Energy?
10 th Annual Seminar, November 18, 2000, Summary,
Reprint from Auckland Post-Polio Support Group Newsletter, Auckland, New
10th Annual North Central Florida Post-Polio Support Group Seminar
November 18, 2000
ルーズベルト大統領の「未完の肖像画」"The Unfinished Portrait"
Going Back to Warm Springs
by Carolyn Raville, Founder & President, NCFPPSG
My husband, Jerry, and I celebrated our 37th anniversary in May with a visit to Warm Springs, Georgia.
ポストポリオ医療評価チームご紹介The Philosophy and Design of an Ideal Post-Polio Evaluation Teamwith Burton W. Marsh, MD
10th Annual North Central Florida Post-Polio Support Group Seminar, November 18, 2000 (PART I)
(日本語訳 Japanese Translation)ファレスティニー医師FCCP with Hany Falestiny, M.D., F.C.C.P.
ポストポリオとカロリーHELP! ...I Need to Manage My Weight!
「10セントの行進」(マーチ・オブ・ダイムズ。略してMOD)のことは、日本ではほとんど知られていません。これは、アメリカで赤十字に次ぐ額の募金を集めた、ポリオの治療と予防のために10セント(10分の1ドル)を送ろうという、大規模な募金運動の名前です。 「10セントの行進」は、その運動の過程で設立された、財団の名前でもあります。
The Role of the March of Dimes and Post-Polio Support Groups
Lynda Knight, Executive Director, March of Dimes, North Central Florida
There are very few people in Japan who knows the name of "the March of Dimes."
It is the name of the great movement in the U.S.A. that collected most donations next to the Red Cross to save the polio patients and to avoid new infections. The March of Dimes is also the name of the foundation to perform the movement.
This is a copy which was kindly provided with the permission from the
北海道 中兼正次 Shoji Nakagane, Hokkaido, Japan