How To File A Complaint Under ADA

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 アメリカ障害者法 (障害と共にある米国人法、ADA)は、アメリカ人全員が活用できるべきものです。
By now the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) should be a way of life for all America.

Whether you are disabled or non-disabled, it should be having a profound effect on how you do business and with whom you do business, where the disabled are turning up, and how they are enjoying life, whether they are able to be employed, and if they can get the services and benefits they need for a quality existence.

How is the ADA affecting you?

Do you have problems?

If things are not going well, don't despair.

There are remedies built into the ADA to handle complaints.

Title II of the ADA prohibits discrimination based on disability in all programs, activities and services of state and local governments.

If you feel you have been discriminated against by any agency, organization or institution covered by Title II, send a letter to the Department of Justice including the following information.

1. Your full name, address and telephone number, and the name of the party discriminated.

2. The name of the agency, organization, or institution that you believe has discriminated.

3. A description of the act(s) of discrimination, the date (s) of the discriminatory acts, and the name(s) of the individual(s) who you believe discriminated.

4. Other information that you believe necessary to sup- port your complaint.

Do not sent original documents. (Retain them.)

Sign and send the letter to:

郵便番号20035-6118 ワシントンD.C.私書箱6118 米国法務省人権部調整監視課。
U. S. Department of Justice, Civil Rights Division, Coordination and Review Section, PO Box 6118, Washing- ton, DC 20035-6118.

There are no ADA police around, and it is stressed that the role of advocacy in its implementation is needed.

The law is not a cure for everything, much needs to be done.

The best approach in dealing with situations is to negotiate with the party involved and to practice cooperation in trying to achieve goals that will level the playing field for all disabled persons.

If you can't negotiate, then report as above, to the proper department.

英語版   English Version
著作権者 フロリダ中北ポリオの会
Copyright 2000 North Central Florida Post-Polio Support Group), All rights reserved.
日本語コピー版 作成 20015月17日、最終更新日 2001517日
Japanese Copy Version : Since
May 17, 2001, Last Update May 17, 2001

Announcement from the Web-Master of the Japanese Version and the Translator into Japanese

 This is a copy which was kindly provided with the permission from the
the North Central Florida Post-Polio Support Group .
 The web-master of this Japanese version is neither a medical professional nor a professional translator. It is for these reasons to avoid any misunderstandings, both English and Japanese are presented together.
 If you would like to show tihs information to your medical doctor, please use the English original, and the Japanese translation should be used only as a guide.
http://homepage2.nifty.com/polio/salon/salon.htm にもおいでください。
 Also, please visit my PPS resource for polio survivors "the Polio Salon Japan" at
 よろしくお願いします。 Thank you very much.

 北海道 中兼正次 Shoji Nakagane, Hokkaido, Japan