Gait and Post-Polio
マリアン・ワイス 理学療法士、修士
Marianne Weiss, MS, PT
ウェストバージニア州ホイーリング ホイーリング・ジェスイット大学
Wheeling Jesuit University, Wheeling, West Virginia
North Central
Florida Post-Polio Support Group Archive
保存版の記事の目次(日本語)へ To Archives Index in Japanese
Falls are a chief cause of death and increased disability in this
Among the physical problems leading to falls are loss of balance,
overall fatigue, repetitive motion leading to individual muscle
fatigue, weak muscles, and abnormalities in gait. 1
Many polio survivors exhibit one or more of these problems.
Using assistive devices for walking can reduce the severity of
these abnormalities or reduce the effect that they have on the
lives of polio survivors.
Some survivors have used assistive gait devices for many years.
Others used them only in the acute stage of recovery after polio,
while others never used them.
How do you know if you need an assistive device for walking or if
you need to change the one you have?
Some signs that can help you answer those questions are these:
lessening endurance for walking due to muscle fatigue, worsening
of a limp, pain in the legs during walking, a history of falls,
or the recent occurrence of new falls. 2
If you suspect that you need an assistive device in walking or a
new type, discuss the matter with your doctor, who will probably
refer you to a physical therapist for an evaluation.
The therapist will then assess:
how our strength and flexibility affect your ability to walk and
to get up and down from a seated position,
whether you have enough upper body strength and flexibility to
safely and effectively use an assistive device;
how good your balance is 3 , and how
your heart and lungs react to walking.
In many cases, the use of an assistive device reduces the strain
on the heart and lungs because the device uses less energy than,
for example, the limp it corrects.
However, in some cases, using an assistive device may be more
taxing on the heart and lungs than walking without a device. 4
If this is the case, the assistive
device that the therapist recommends may be an electric scooter
or motorized wheelchair.
Finding an appropriate assistive device for walking for polio
survivors can be a challenge.
If a person has a one-sided problem in the legs, usually a
one-sided device, such as a cane or a single crutch, is indicated
(most often used in the hand opposite the affected leg).
However, abnormalities of strength, pain, or flexibility in the
arms may make using a one-sided device impossible.
Similarly, problems in the arms may make using two-sided devices
such as walkers, two crutches, or two canes difficult, if not
The trick is to find the device that provides enough assistance
to compensate for the physical abnormality without causing other
physical problems.
Sometimes the evaluation reveals too much disability for the
survivor to benefit from an assistive gait device.
this finding can free the survivor to make the decision to walk
only in the home and to use motorized conveyances to move about
in the community.
Many who become motorized are pleasantly surprised to find how
easily they can participate in community activities again and how
much more energy they have after they make the decision to ride
rather than walk outside their homes.
If the evaluation reveals that an assistive device would improve
your gait, the therapist will recommend a specific device, assist
you in obtaining it, fit it to you, teach you how to use it, and
assess its effectiveness in meeting the goal for which it was
Frequently the therapist may also recommend a gentle exercise
program of strengthening and stretching to further assist your
walking efforts.
Certain types of braces or splints may also be recommended. 5,6
In working with polio survivors for the last 15 years, I have
seen many of them helped significantly by their using appropriate
assistive devices for walking.
The devices can help reduce pain and fatigue and reduce limping.
And, of course, all of this leads to a reduction in the incidence
of falls --
resulting in less chance of more serious disability or even
premature death.
So, what are you waiting for?
If you think an assistive device might make your life easier,
start the process described above by obtaining your physician's
注1: シャムウェイ・クックとウーラコット・M.(1995年) 運動ニューロン管理の理論と実際、フィラデルフィア、ウイリアムズとウィルキンス
1. Shumway-Cook A. and Woolacott M. (1995) Motor control,
theory and applications. Philadelphia: Williams and Wilkins.
注2: ピアソン・F. (1994年)
2. Pierson F. (1994).
Principles and techniques of patient care. Philadelphia:
Williams and Wilkins.
注3: マイナーなMAとマイナーなSD
3.Minor MA and Minor SD (1995) Patient care and skills. Norwalk,
CT: Appleton and Lange.
注4: ペリー・J. (1992年)。歩行分析。ロロフェア、ニュージャージー州、スラック社。
4.Perry J. (1992).Gait analysis.Thorofare, NJ;Slack, Inc.
注5: スミス・L.K.とマブリー・M.
5.Smith LK and Mabry M. (1995).Poliomyelitis and the post
polio syndrome.
In Umphred D (Ed.).Neurological rehabilitation.3rd ed.
Philadelphia: Mosby.
注6: オサリバン・S.B.とシュミット・T.J.(1995年)。理学療法の評価と治療、第3版。フィラデルフィア、F.A.ディビス。
6.O'Sullivan SB and Schmitz TJ.(1995).Physical rehabilitation:
assessment and treatment. 3rd ed. Philadelphia: FA Davis.
著作権者 フロリダ中北ポリオの会
Copyright 2000 North Central Florida
Post-Polio Support Group
Since June 28,2000,Last modified: June
28, 2000
Announcement from the Web-Master of the Japanese Version and the
Translator into Japanese
This is a copy which was kindly provided with the permission
from the the North
Central Florida Post-Polio Support Group .
The web-master of this Japanese version is neither a medical
professional nor a professional translator. It is for these
reasons to avoid any misunderstandings, both English and Japanese
are presented together.
If you would like to show tihs information to your medical
doctor, please use the English original, and the Japanese
translation should be used only as a guide.
また、私が作ったポリオ体験者のための情報源、「ポリオサロン」 http://homepage2.nifty.com/polio/salon/salon.htm にもおいでください。
Also, please visit my PPS resource for polio survivors
"the Polio Salon Japan" at http://homepage2.nifty.com/polio/salon/salon-e.htm
よろしくお願いします。 Thank you very much.
北海道 中兼正次 Shoji Nakagane, Hokkaido, Japan