The Role of the March of Dimes and Post-Polio Support Groups

10セントの行進財団 フロリダ中北支部長 リンダ・ナイト
by Lynda Knight, Executive Director, March of Dimes, North Central Florida

North Central Florida Post-Polio Support Group Archive

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There are very few people in Japan who knows the name of "the March of Dimes."

It is the name of the great movement in the U.S.A. that collected most donations next to the Red Cross to save the polio patients and to avoid new infections.

The March of Dimes is also the name of the foundation to perform the movement.


We were pleased to have with us at our year 2000 seminar a number of good friends and supporters of our group,

one of whom was Lynda Knight, Executive Director of the March of Dimes for North Central Florida.

She spoke to us on the "Role of the March of Dimes and Post-Polio Support Groups."


Lynda began by stating

that the March of Dimes exists for one reason today:

Because FDR had polio and he had a burning passion to make sure that others not have to have it.

We are all familiar with the history of the organization.

In seventeen short year after its founding, enough money had been raised through the "Dimes" campaign,

the "Mothers' March," movie house ushering and collections and other such drives to come up with the vaccine and to pay for the medical bills and the lifesaving treatment for thousands of people.


At that time, with its thousands of volunteers and a proven record of success, the March of Dimes had a choice.

They could just close up and go home since they accomplished their mission,

BUT on the other hand, they had this organization already in place and there was another great need to help babies with birth defects.

The March of Dimes looked into this matter and said,

"We're going to do something about bring these babies out of the cellars, attics and institutions and stop other babies from dying."

Thus, the organization redirected its focus and used all of that volunteer energy to accomplish another worthwhile mission.

 10セントの行進財団は、前進することになりました。 」
The March of Dimes was able to go on.


She continued by saying,

"We didn't forget about polio. We take great pride in the work of all of the volunteers who helped fund the research of Dr. Jonas Salk and Dr. Albert Sabin.

On April 12, 1955, Dr. Salk stood on the capitol steps and announced that the polio vaccine was safe and effective,

but no one knew that there would be lasting late effects of the disease beyond what was being dealt with then."

 (訳注:この文は難解なので、原ホームページのサイト管理者スティーブ氏に聞いた所、"There was a time when few of us understood the subject, but now, at a later time, more of us understand the subject." のように言い換えると分かりやすいとのことです。
We know differently now, although around the country, there were lots of people who didn't know.


Lynda continued,

"Though our mission has changed, the March of Dimes is as committed to solving the problems of polio today as we were back in 1938 and up to 1955.

It's not in our mission because we didn't know that we had to keep it that way.

We turned our attention, your attention and the nation's attention to re-inform the public so that babies could be born healthy.

It is true that some of our staff and some of the polio survivors as well do not know what our relationship is now and that we no longer care about post-polio.

That is not true!

We are not going to change our mission or our name, but it does not mean that we are not going to do what we can to solve the problems.

We will continue to support research, treatment and medical diagnoses for post-polio."



This past January the March of Dimes cosponsored the national symposium in Warm Springs,

and many of the speakers who have spoken to our group in the past several years were prominent presenters at the symposium.

These leading professionals who are familiar with polio and post-polio were brought together to put their heads together collectively to talk about what they know about polio and its late effects and where we go from here.

Lynda had hoped to have with her for our seminar the summary papers on this symposium,

but they have not been received as yet.
Upon receipt, she will promptly send copies to Dr. Marsh and Carolyn Raville.


Lynda also said

she had the opportunity in January to visit the Salk Institute in California and urged that if we have the opportunity to visit there, to most certainly do so.

She went into one of the research labs sponsored by the March of Dimes and one of the reachers informed her that the work he is doing has great implications for post-polios, as well as for spinal cord regeneration.

He is going back to basic genetics and how the spinal cord is generated.

She stated

that someone attending our seminar remarked to her that this would be helpful to people in the future but could not benefit us,

to which she replied,

"I don't think so and he [the researcher] didn't think so.

He feels that his work will have relative application in the future."

She added,

"And, of course, there is other research going on as well."


The national organization of March of Dimes has changed and challenged the local chapters to be involved with their area post-polio support groups.

She states,

"You all are the March of Dimes, and the March of Dimes belongs to the people. This is your organization.

We want to partner with you and your community to get the message out to all of the people about post-polio.

Every March of Dimes chapter should be doing that.

We in our group give a small grant to this support group to help, especially with the newsletter.

We offer a challenge to the vendors today to join with the March of Dimes to provide support to help get the message out."

She urged those attending from other groups to get in touch with their March of Dimes chapter to find out how their group can get involved;

tell them that you want a relationship with them.

 彼女は、私たちの会が毎年開く、 「アメリカを歩こう」 というキャンペーン行事に参加し、食べ物を援助する活動にも協力して欲しいとも言及しました。
She cited our group's annual participation in the registration of walker and serving of food for the "Walk America" campaign.

At the same time, she reminds them to ask about a grant to help in the work and goals of their group.


.In summing up, Lynda told us

that the March of Dimes wants a relationship not only with mothers and babies, but with the very first people that started out with

and that was us!

She closed by saying,

"Lets continue to work together.

The North Central Florida Post-Polio Support Group is very important to the North Central Florida Chapter of the March of Dimes."

This article is intended for personal use only and may not be reproduced in any publication without express written permission of the author or publication listed in its credits.

14 th Annual Seminar, November 18, 2000, Summary, Pt IV of IV


Announcement from the Web-Master of the Japanese Version and the Translator into Japanese

 This is a copy which was kindly provided with the permission from the
the North Central Florida Post-Polio Support Group .
 The web-master of this Japanese version is neither a medical professional nor a professional translator. It is for these reasons to avoid any misunderstandings, both English and Japanese are presented together.
 If you would like to show tihs information to your medical doctor, please use the English original, and the Japanese translation should be used only as a guide.
http://homepage2.nifty.com/polio/salon/salon.htm にもおいでください。
 Also, please visit my PPS resource for polio survivors "the Polio Salon Japan" at
 よろしくお願いします。 Thank you very much.

 北海道 中兼正次 Shoji Nakagane, Hokkaido, Japan