Post-Polio Evaluation Form of North Central Florida
Post-Polio Personal Information

North Central Florida Post-Polio Support Group Archive

To the Post-Polio Evaluation Team in Japanese

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Post-Polio Evaluation Team of North Central Florida
Post-Polio Personal Information


メモ:記入する前に、様式を全体的にながめてください。 Note: It will be helpful to read through this questionnaire prior to filling it out.
氏名 Name:
住所 Home Address:
電話番号 Telephone: 自宅 Home ( ) 職場 Work ( )
職業 Occupation:
就業形態 Work Status: パート(___) part-time フルタイム(___) full-time 退職(___) retired 障害による退職(___) disability retirement
雇用先 Employer:
住所 Address:
社会保障番号 Social Security Number: ____________________________________
婚姻 Marital Status: 独身 (___) single 既婚(___) married 離婚(___) divorced 未亡人(___) widowed
患者の誕生日 Patient痴 date of birth: 日day ____ 月month ________ 年year _______ 現在の年齢Present age:
配偶者の名前 Spouse痴 name: 配偶者の年齢 Spouse痴 age:
その他特記事項 Significant other:
主治医 Personal Physician:
住所 Address:
紹介者 Who referred you? (名前 please give name)
この記録の写しをを主治医に送付して欲しいかWould you like a copy of your report sent to your physician(s)? はい _______ yes いいえ ________no
今回診察の理由 Describe your reason for this medical visit:
前回全体的な診察を受けた時期 When was your last complete physical examination?
診察を受けたことがある症状一覧 List any problems for which you are being treated by a physician:
今受けている治療(薬の処方がないものを含む)List any Medications (including non-prescription) which you are taking:
処方薬の名称Name of Medication Dose  服用の頻度How Often その理由Reason?2

(記憶にある限り記入)(Complete to the best of your knowledge)

A. 一般的事項 GENERAL
発病年月日 Date of onset: _____/_______(Month/Year) 発病年齢Age at onset: ________ years
発病時の入院の有無Hospitalization at onset: 有______ yes 無______no If yes, 期間length of stay? 何ヶ月_______ months
最初の1年間に虚弱になったり麻痺したりした手足の数(分かれば)During the first year, check the number of limbs with any weakness or paralysis
(if known) 0______ 1______ 2______ 3______ 4______
どの手足かWhich limbs were involved
最初の1年間に、次の道具を使ったか、それは常時か時々かduring the first year, did you require the use of any of the following, either full- or part-time?
Check which:
a.補装具a. Braces Yes/full-time _____ Yes/part-time _____ No _____
タイプ(type) 足用の長いものLong leg ________ 足用の短いものShort leg ________ その他Other ___
b.松葉杖か杖b. Crutches or canes Yes/full-time _____ Yes/part-time _____ No _____
c.車いすc. Wheelchair Yes/full-time _____ Yes/part-time _____ No _____
d.人工呼吸器d. Respiratory
(鉄の肺)(iron lung) Yes/full-time _____ Yes/part-time _____ No _____
e.添え木e. Splinting Yes/full-time _____ Yes/part-time _____ No _____
f.f. ギプスCasting (length of time) Body ___________ Extremities _____________________
最初の治療とリハビリの後、ほとんどの患者は何年もの長い間、体力が強くなり、機能が回復したと感じている。貴方は何年間好調だと感じたか。After initial treatment and rehabilitation, most people feel they eventually achieved a level of maximum strength or maximum functional recovery that lasted a number of years. What year do you feel you achieved your maximum functional recovery: _________________
好調に回復したと感じた時、次の道具を使っていたか。それは常時か時々か。When you achieved maximum recovery, did you require the use of any of the following, either full- or part-time?
a.補装具a. Braces Yes/full-time_____ Yes/part-time_____ No ______
タイプ(type) 足用の長いもの(type) Long Leg _______ 足用の短いものShort Leg _______ Other ____
b.松葉杖か杖b. Crutches or canes Yes/full-time_____ Yes/part-time_____ No ______
c.ウォーカーc. Walkers Yes/full-time_____ Yes/part-time_____ No ______
d.車いすd. Wheelchair Yes/full-time_____ Yes/part-time_____ No ______
e.スクーターe. Scooters Yes/full-time_____ Yes/part-time_____ No ______
f.人工呼吸器f. Respiratory
(タイプ)(type) Yes/full-time_____ Yes/part-time_____ No ______  

何年もの間の好調の期間を経て、何らかの新たな健康上の問題を感じたか。又は、日常生活でポリオ関連で新たな不便を感じたことはないか。After achieving maximum recovery for a number of years, have you experienced any NEW health problems or NEW difficulties with activities of daily living that you feel are related to your polio?
Experienced Year New NEW Health Problems/Difficulty New problem Problem began
a.疲れやすくなったa. Increase in fatigue Yes____ No____ ____________
b.筋肉の痙攣b. Muscle Fibrillation Yes____ No____ ____________
c.新たな筋肉の虚弱化c. New Muscle weakness:
1)元々感染していた部分の筋肉か1) in formerly affected muscles Yes____ No____ ____________
2)元々感染したものと異なる筋肉2) in formerly unaffected muscles Yes____ No____ ____________
3)筋肉痛の有無3) muscle pains/aches Yes____ No____ ____________
d.関節痛の有無d. Joint pains Yes____ No____ ____________
e.感覚の鈍化e. Numbness or loss of sensation Yes____ No____ ____________?3
e.筋肉の萎縮、痩せf. Loss in size/bulk of any muscle Yes____ No____ ____________
g.歩行距離g. Walking distance Yes____ No____ ____________
h.転び易さh. Do you fall or stumble frequently Yes____ No____ ____________
i.階段の登りi. Climbing stairs Yes____ No____ ____________
j.衣服の着脱j. Dressing Yes____ No____ ____________
k.睡眠k. Sleeping Yes____ No____ ____________
l.寒さに弱くなったl. Cold intolerance Yes____ No____ ____________
m.呼吸困難m. Breathing difficulties Yes____ No____ ____________
n.えん下困難n. Swallowing difficulties Yes____ No____ ____________
o.その他o. Other______________________ Yes____ No____ ____________
p.新たな問題が生じる少し前に、何か他の原因で入院したかp. Were you hospitalized for any reason prior to or around the onset time of your new health problems? Yes____ No____ ____________
q.体重の変化q. Have you had a change in your weight? Yes____ No____ ____________
何ポンド増加したかPounds gained _______ 何ポンド減少したかPounds lost _______ 現在の体重Current weight _______________
ポリオに関係があるかもしれないと自分が考える問題点Briefly describe these problems or other quirky problems which you feel may or may not be polio related:  

ポリオ関連の手術の種類とその年月日Type of surgery related to polio Date
a. ___________________________________ ________________________
b. ___________________________________ ________________________
c. ___________________________________ ________________________
d. ___________________________________ ________________________
その他の手術、入院、怪我Other surgery, hospitalizations or injuries:
a. ___________________________________ ________________________
b. ___________________________________ ________________________
c. ___________________________________ ________________________
d. ___________________________________ ________________________ 過去5年間の大きな病気Any major illness in the last five years:
薬へのアレルギーの種類List allergies to medications: 薬以外のアレルギーの種類All other allergies:
子供の頃にかかった病気とその年List the childhood diseases you have had (include the year):
事前指示書(苦しくなったときにどうしても生きたいかの意志表明書)を作っているか。Do you have an "advance Directive・(Living Will)? Yes No
その1通を病院に保管して欲しいかDo you wish to keep one on file in the Doctor's office? Yes No?4

父、年令Father: Age: _______
生存Living: _____ 死亡Deceased: ______ 死因Cause of Death: _______________________
母、年令Mother: Age: _______
生存Living: _____ 死亡Deceased: ______死因 Cause of Death: _______________________
兄弟、年令Brothers: Age: _______
生存Living: _____ 死亡Deceased: ______ 死因Cause of Death: _______________________
姉妹、年令Sisters: Age: _______
生存Living: _____ 死亡Deceased: ______ 死因Cause of Death: _______________________
配偶者、年令Spouse: Age: _______
生存Living: _____ 死亡Deceased: ______ 死因Cause of Death: _______________________
子、年令Children: Age: _______
生存Living:______ 死亡Deceased: ______ 死因Cause of Death: _______________________
家系によく見られる病気Are there diseases or conditions that run in your family?
家族の中に、又は貴方自身に、次ぎの病気はあったかDo you or members of your family have (or have any of you ever had) any
of the following:
(該当する部分にX印を付し、その発生した年を記入)(indicate with an 店・where appropriate and include the year)

                        父Father母 Mother 兄弟Brothers 姉妹Sisters 自分Self
出血異常Bleeding Disorders
心臓病Heart Attack/Disease
高血圧High Blood Pressure
黄疸又は肝炎Jaundice or Hepatitis
腎臓病Kidney Disease
神経疲労Nervous Exhaustion
リューマチ熱Rheumatic Fever
甲状腺病Thyroid Disease
静脈瘤Varicose Veins


自分のストレスは強い方だと思うかHow would you rank your level of tension or stress?
______ 低いLow ______ 中くらいModerate ______ 強いHigh ______ とても強いVery High
次の質問には気楽にお答えをPlease feel free to make any additional comments:


現在喫煙しているか1日何箱かDo you currently smoke? Cigarettes packs/day years
煙草は1日何箱かCigars per/day years
パイプやボウルでどのくらいかPipe bowls/day years
以前吸っていたが止めたのかHave you smoked cigarettes in the past and quit?
何年に禁煙したかIn what year did you quit?
通算で何年間喫煙していたかHow many total years have you smoked cigarettes?
禁煙した時、1日に何箱吸っていたかHow many packs a day were you smoking when you quit?


過去1年間い体重が変わったかHas your weight changed in the last year? ________
最適の体重は何キロと思うかWhat do you consider a good weight for yourself? ________
1年前の体重は何キロかWhat was your weight one year ago? ________
21歳以降で最も重かったのは何キロかWhat is the most you have weighed since age 21? ________
21歳の時の体重はWhat was your weight at age 21? ________ 21歳以降で最も軽かったのは何キロかWhat is the least you have weighed since age 21? ________
最近数ヶ月に体重が増えたかHave you gained weight in recent months? ________
その場合、何キロ増えたかIf yes, how much? ________ 食習慣が変わったかHave you changed your eating habits? ________
塩分の摂取量はDo you salt your food? 少ないLightly 普通Moderately 多いHeavily
コーフィーは飲むか、レギュラーか、カフェイン除去かDo you drink coffee? Regular Decaffeinated
お茶は飲むか、1日何杯かDo you drink tea? Cups/glasses per day
ビールは飲むか、週に何杯かDo you drink beer? Number of beers weekly
ワインは飲むか、週に何グラスかDo you drink wine? Glasses of wine weekly
酒は飲むか、週何杯か、ダブルは2杯分にカウントDo you drink liquor? Number of drinks weekly (count doubles as two drinks_


Yes No
定期的に運動をしているか、その頻度はDo you currently exercise on a regular basis? How often?
運動の種類はWhat type of exercise do you do? Please explain:
運動によって怪我をしたことはあるかHave you had any injuries or problems related to exercise? Please explain:
好みのレクリエーションやレジャーは何かWhat types of recreation or leisure activities do you prefer? Please explain:?6


自分の健康状態をどう考えるか。最近の状態も考慮する。 How would you describe your overall health status, including any recent changes in your health? 次の質問には、気楽に答えることPlease feel free to make additional comments:
次の部分では、知る限りの範囲で答えることIn the following sections, answer the questions to the best of your knowledge. Please explain any "Yes・ answers in the comment area following each section.

第1部(皮膚) SECTION I
Yes No
怪我をし易いかDo you bruise easily?
新しいほくろができてきていないか。Do you have any new or tender growths or moles?
皮膚に発疹、いらだち、色素欠落、かゆみが出やすいかDo you have skin rashes, irritation, discoloration or itching?
皮膚に特別なことをしなければならないかDo you have to use special skin preparations?

第2部 (頭部) SECTION II
Yes No
頭痛がよくするかDo you often have headaches?
抜け毛が多くなってきたかDo you notice any increased hair loss recently?
頭部を怪我したことはHave you had a head injury?
首の痛みやこわばりの有無Do you have any neck pain or stiffness?
首の腫れはHave you had any swelling in your neck?

第3部 (目)   SECTION III
Yes No
目の検査を最後にした年When was your last eye exam? _______________
眼鏡やコンタクトレンズの使用の有無Do you wear eyeglasses or contact lenses?
目がぼやけたり二重に見えたりした経験Do you ever notice blurred or double vision?
目の痛みやかゆみの有無Are you bothered with eye pains or itching?
涙目の有無Do you have excessive eye watering?

第4部(耳鼻咽喉)SECTION IV
Yes No
難聴Do you have trouble hearing?
耳の痛みDo you get earaches?
舌や口の中の痛みIs your tongue or the inside of your mouth sore?
鼻詰まりや鼻水が多くないかDo you have frequent stuffiness and drainage from your nose?
鼻水が喉に流れることが多くないかDo you frequently notice drainage in the back of your throat?
鼻血が多くないかAre you bothered with nosebleeds?
風邪をひいていないのに、喉が痛んだり声がかれたりしないかIs your throat sore or hoarse when you don't have a cold?
くぼみができていないか。それは季節性のものかDo you have sinus problems? Are they seasonal?
えん舌が困難かDo you have any difficulty swallowing?

第5部(胸部) SECTION V
Yes No?7
胸にこぶがないかHave you noticed any breast lumps?
胸の検査を受けているか、その頻度はDo you examine your breasts? How often? ________ 胸は弱い方かAre your breasts tender? 胸に問題があったことはないかDo you have any discharge/drainage?

第6部 (循環器) SECTION VI
Yes No
心臓に異常があると言われたことはあるかHave you ever been told that you had a heart problem?
静止時の心電図を取ったことはあるか。それはいつか。Have you ever had a resting electrocardiogram? When? _____________
運動時の心電図を取ったことはあるか。それはいつか。Have you ever had a stress or exercise electrocardiogram? When? _______________
胸や心臓付近に痛みを感じたことはDo you ever have pain in your chest or heart region?
心拍が飛んだり、数多くなったりしたことはHave you ever been aware of skipping or palpitation in your heart beat?
高血圧と言われたことはHave you ever been told that you had high blood pressure?
トリグリセリド(TG、中性脂肪のひとつ)やコレステロールの血液検査を受けたことはHas a blood test for triglycerides or cholesterol ever been performed?
足がむくんだことはDo you notice swelling in your lower extremities?
めまいがしたことはDo you have episodes of dizziness?
横になっていて、立ち上がったり椅子に座ったりする時にめまいがすることはDo you become dizzy when you move from a lying down to a sitting or standing
息ができず苦しかったことはDo you have episodes of extreme shortness of breath?
それは激しい運動のせいか、普通の運動の最中か、安静時かIs this associated with: Increased activity
Normal activity
At rest

Yes No
息切れがしたことはDo you ever have periods of wheezing?
いつも咳が出るかDo you have a regular cough?
何かの時によく咳が出やすいかDo you often cough up anything?
咳とともに血を吐くことはHave you ever coughed up blood?
呼吸が困難で、枕を二つ以上必要とするかDo you need more than one pillow to sleep because of breathing difficulties?
よく風邪をひいているか。頻度はDo you have frequent colds? How often?
肺炎になったことはHave you ever had pneumonia?
結核になったことはHave you ever had tuberculosis (TB)?
最後に胸部X線撮影や結核検査をしたのはいつかWhen was your last chest X-ray? __________________ TB test? ________________

Yes No
腸の調子は変わりないかHave there been any changes in your bowel habits?
腹や胃に不快感や痛みはないかDo you notice any discomfort or pain in your abdomen or stomach?
腹部に不快感や痛みがあるとすれば、それは食べ過ぎのせいかIf you notice pain or discomfort in your abdomen, is it affected by eating? 不快感や痛みは、胃酸薬で改善するかIf you have pain or discomfort, is it improved by antacids?
胸焼け、消化不良、えん下困難で悩んでいるかAre you bothered with heartburn, indigestion, or trouble swallowing?
(下線を引く)(underline which one)
週に1回以上、便秘になるかAre you constipated more than once weekly?
2日に1回以上下痢を起こすかDo you have loose bowels or diarrhea for more than 1-2 days?
過去5年間に、真っ黒又は血が混じった大便をしたかHave you had any black or bloody stools in the last five years?
直腸の痛みを感じるかDo you have rectal pain?
ヘルニアがあるかDo you have a hernia?
痔があるかDo you have hemorrhoids?
潰瘍があるかHave you had ulcer problems??8

第9部 (生殖器)  SECTION IX
Yes No
小便に問題があるかHave you had any problems with urination?
小便時に痛みがあるかDo you notice pain or burning upon urination?
小便を始める時に問題がないかDo you have trouble starting to urinate?
小便が出るのが遅くないかDoes your urination seem too slow?
一晩に何回小便をするかHow many times per night do you urinate? _____________
1日に何回小便をするかHow many times per day do you generally urinate? ______________

小便の勢いが大幅に衰えていないかHas the force of your urine stream markedly decreased?
小便の後、だらだらとこぼれないかDo you notice any dribbling after stopping urination?
ペニスから何か滲出がないかHave you noticed any discharge from the penis?
前立腺異常と言われたことはないかHave you been told of previous prostate trouble?
睾丸が柔らかくなったり腫れたりしていないかDo your testicles become tender and swollen?
性的不能になったことはないかHave you ever had a problem with impotence?
勃起や射精に異常はないかDo you have any problems with erection or ejaculation?

生理は順調かAre your periods regular with normal flow?
生理と生理の間に出血することはないかDo you ever bleed between periods? ヴァギナにかゆみや滲出がないかDo you have vaginal itching or discharge?
経口避妊薬ピルを飲んだことはないかHave you ever taken birth control pills?
最後にPAP smearがあったのはいつかWhen was your last PAP smear? __________
最後の生理はいつかWhen was your last menstrual period? __________
乳ガン検査(胸部X線)を最後に受けたのはいつかHave you had mammograms (breast x-rays)? When? __________
過去の妊娠回数は、分娩回数はHow many pregnancies have you had? __________ Number of live births? _________
女性ホルモン治療を受けているかDo you take Estrogen Replacement Therapy?

第10部(知覚)  SECTION X
Yes No
物覚えが悪くなっていないかDo you have any recent or new problems with remembering things?
物がつかみにくくなったり、手が痙攣したりしないかHave you ever had seizures or convulsions?
失神したことはHave you ever fainted?
手が震えないかDo you ever have trembling or shaking?
口がもつれたことはDo you ever have trouble speaking?
もしそうであれば、最近ひどくなっていないかIf yes, has this increased lately?
しびれ、ひりひりする、感覚麻痺がないかHave you had any numbness, tingling or loss of sensation?
頭痛がよく起きないかAre any headaches occurring more frequently?

第11部  SECTION XI (精神)
Yes No
気分にむらがないかDo you have any changes in your mood?
不安感が増していないかHas your anxiety level changed?
うつな気分はないかHave you noticed any depression?
最近起こりっぽく、ストレスがたまっていないかAre you more irritable or frustrated lately?
集中力が低下していないかAre you having any inability to concentrate??9

第12部  (筋肉、関節の動き) SECTION XII 
Yes No
筋肉と関節の痛みが増加していないかDo you have increased problem with muscle and joint pain?
筋肉の痙攣はDo you have muscle cramps?
筋肉のひきつりはDo you notice muscle twitching?
骨、腱、関節を傷つけたかHave you had any injuries to bones, tendons or joints?
歩行に変化はないかHave you noticed a change in your gait?
歩くのに新しい補装具や器具を使っていないかAre you using any new devices or aids to get around?
関節の動きに支障がないかDo you have decreased flexibility in any joints?
姿勢に変化はないかHave you noticed a change in your posture?
筋肉や関節のサイズに変化はないかDo you feel that the size of certain muscles or joints?
姿勢に変化はないかhave you noticed a change in your posture?
特定の筋肉が小さくなったのに気づかないかDo you feel that the size of certain muscles may be getting smaller?
背中が痛くないかIs back pain a problem?
メモComments: (痛い場所をメモし、それが楽になる要素を書いて) (Please describe the location of the problem area and any factors which would make
the problem better or worse)

第13部 (血液) SECTION XIII 
Yes No
貧血かHave you hade anemia?
傷口からの出血が多すぎないかDo you notice any excessive bleeding from a cut?
凝血ができたことはHave you ever had blood clots?
もしそうなら、抗凝血剤の治療を受けたかIf yes, did this require treatment with anticoagulants (blood thinning agents)?
伝染性単核症にかかったことはHave you ever had mononucleosis?

第14部 (その他) SECTION XIV
Yes No
尿の量が増えていないか、喉が乾いていないか、食欲が増していないかDo you have increase in urine volume, thirst or appetite? (Underline which ones)
甲状腺異常はないかHave you had thyroid problems?
室温の変化に敏感かDoes change in room temperature bother you more easily?
周りの気温に関わりなく汗をかかないかDo you have sweating which you cannot relate to an increase in environmental temperature?
尿に糖分が出たことはHave you ever had problems with sugar in your urine?
糖尿病にかかっていないかDo you know if you are diabetic?
髪の毛が粗くなっていないかHas your hair become coarser?
髪の毛が新たに伸びてきていないかHave you noticed any new hair growth?

矯正器具orthotic equipment

現在、次の矯正機器を使っているかAt present time are you using any of the following orthotic equipment?
常時か時々かPlease indicate full or part time. 矯正機器を全く使っていないNO ORTHOTIC DEVICES __________?10 EQUIPMENT:

人工呼吸器Respiratory (type) 横留めLateral Wedge
スクーターScooter Medial Wedge
マニュアル車いす、トーマス・ヒールManual Wheelchair Thomas Heel
電動車いす、脊髄固定具Motorized Wheelchair Spinal Brace
泡車いすクッション・コルセットFoam Wheelchair cushion Corset
ROHO式クッション・首用カラー ROHO Cushion Cervical Collar
固体背中差し込み式靴下Solid Back Insert Jobst Stockings
固体椅子差し込み式TEDS Solid Seat Insert TEDS
側面サポート・スライド板Lateral Supports (side) Sliding Board
普通型松葉杖ラップボードStandard Crutches Lapboard
ロフトスタンド松葉杖手添え木Lofstrand Crutches Hand Splint
エベレット松葉杖支えEverett Crutches Feeder
T型の杖 "T" Top Cane
吊り下げ滑車 Overhead Pulley
ウォーカー手袋棒Walker Grab Bar
長足補装具シールベンチLong Leg Brace Tub Seat Bench
金属短足補装具トイレリングMetal Short Leg Brace Toilet Ring
ポリAFO補装具式トイレ用椅子Poly AFO Brace Raised Toilet Seat
矯正用靴手抑えシャワー口Orthotic Shoes Hand Held Shower Head
シューライフ風呂リフトShoe Life Bath Lift
ホイヤー・バン・リフトHoyer Lift Van Lift
バン適応構造の家Van Modification Structural Home Modifications

ポストポリオ医療評価に始めておいでの際には、次のものをお持ちください。 On your first visit for Post-Polio Evaluation/Diagnosis, please bring:
  1 この自己評価書、記入済みのものThis questionnaire, completed.
  2 最近のX線写真、放射線記録、今の症状に関係することを書いたメモ Any recent x-rays, other radiographic studies, or reports related to your present problems.
  3 使っている又は使っていた矯正機器 Any orthotics you have, even if you have stopped using them.
  4 当初にポリオにかかった際の病歴(もし手に入れば)Medical records relating to the initial onset of polio (if available).

ご協力有り難うございました。Thank you for your assistance.


2001年フロリダ中北ポストポリオ医療評価チーム 2001 Post-Polio Evaluation Team of North Central Florida

日本語コピー版 作成 2001年7月7日、最終更新日 2001年7月7日
Japanese Copy Version : Since July 7,2001, Last Update July 7,2001

Announcement from the Web-Master of the Japanese Version and the Translator into Japanese

 This is a copy which was kindly provided with the permission from the
the North Central Florida Post-Polio Support Group .
 The web-master of this Japanese version is neither a medical professional nor a professional translator. It is for these reasons to avoid any misunderstandings, both English and Japanese are presented together.
 If you would like to show tihs information to your medical doctor, please use the English original, and the Japanese translation should be used only as a guide.
http://homepage2.nifty.com/polio/salon/salon.htm にもおいでください。
 Also, please visit my PPS resource for polio survivors "the Polio Salon Japan" at
 よろしくお願いします。 Thank you very much.

 北海道 中兼正次 Shoji Nakagane, Hokkaido, Japan